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Profile of Dr. Uma Sah

Personal Information

Name : Dr. (Mrs.) Uma Sah
Designation : Principal Scientist (Agril. Extension)
Email :
Telephone (Office) : +91-512-2580986 Ext. 4006(EPBX)
Mobile No. : +91-9936760129
Date of joining ICAR : 8th November 1999
Discipline and specialization : Agricultural Extension
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :

ICT applications in Extension, Farmers’ organization for strengthening agri-value chains.

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Validated model for technological empowerment of tribal women farmers of Meghalaya and on-farm technology assessment, refinement & subsequent dissemination on HYV of potato and TPS technology, management of late blight.
  • Investigated value chains of seed & table potato in NEH region.
  • Initiated ICT mediated technology dissemination of pulse based technologies with development of a website(, two mobile apps(bilingual Mung Advisor app & Chanamitra app in Five Languages), four documentary films (in hindi) on critical pulse production technologies (available in offline and online mode). In addition, initiated voice SMS based customized advisory service ”Dalhan Sandesh” for partner farmers.
  • Developed models for farmer to farmers extension and model pulse village for dissemination of pulse production technologies.
  • Contributed towards strengthening formal and informal seed system of pulse crops with inclusion of eight farmers’ societies formed in five districts of U.P. state.
  • Assessed synergetic impact of ICT and traditional extension programmes on partner farmers.

Current area of research

  • ICT applications for agriculture extension, value chains of pulses, farmers organizations for strengthening pulse value chains.


  • Sah U., Narendra Kumar, Saxena H., Dubey S.K., Iquebal M.A., Bhat S. and Singh S.K.(2018). Validation of farmer to farmer extension model for dissemination of quality seeds of pulse crops: experiences from Bundelkhand Region of Uttar Pradesh. Indian Journal of Extension Education 54(2): 176-182.
  • Sah U., Hem Saxena, Narendra Kumar, S.K. Singh And Shripad Bhat(2014). Tobit analysis of farmer to farmer diffusion of improved pulse seeds in Bundelkhand region of India. Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 84 (10): 1254–61.
  • Sah U., S.K. Dubey, Hem Saxena and Rajesh Kumar(2019). Scientific Rationality of Indigenous Technical Knowledge related to Pulse Production: Researchers’ Perception. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development Vol. 14(1), 20-24.
  • Sah U., S.K. Dubey and S.K. Singh(2014). Validation of stakeholder analysis as a potential tool for mainstreaming the actors of pulses development. Journal of Food Legumes 27(3): 238-245.
  • Sah U., S.K. Dubey and S.K. Singh(2014). Empowerment of farm women with pulses production technologies: An empirical framework. Current Advances in Agricultural Sciences 6(1): 35-41.

Awards and Fellowships

  • Received ISPRD Recognition Award, 2020 in Social Science and Natural Resource Management Category 2020 from Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development on February 10th, 2020.
  • Received Fellow Mobilization Award, 2020 on 16th February, 2020 during the Award Ceremony function of the 9th National Seminar on Doubling Farmers Income by 2022: Challenges, Opportunities and Way Forward scheduled to be organized by Society for Community Mobilization for Sustainable Developmenton.
  • NUFFIC Fellowship for International Training Programme on “Organised farmers as partners in agribusiness” at Wageningen University and Research, Wageningen, The Netherlands during Sept. Oct- 2018.
  • Member, Independent Advisory Committee of Grain Legumes and Dry land Cereals progrmame of CGIAR.
  • Received Distinguish Scientist Award in Agricultural extension management category for the year 2016 from Uttar Pradesh Academy of Agricultural Sciences (UPAAS) at Lucknow.
  • Young Scientist Award 2015 of Society of Agricultural professional, CSAUA&T, Kanpur.
  • Fellow, Indian Society of Pulses Research and Development (2014) by Indian Institute of Pulses Research, Kanpur.
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