AICRP on Rabi Pulses
Mandate crops:
Chickpea, Lentil, Fieldpea and Lathyrus
Based on the recommendation of AICRP review committee, the existing AICRPs on Chickpea, Pigeonpea, MULLaRP and AINP on Arid Legumes were merged into two AICRPs viz. AICRP on Kharif Pulses and AICRP on Rabi Pulses. The AICRP on Rabi Pulses has been constituted by merger of AICRP on Chickpea and Rabi-MULLaRP crops viz., Lentil, Fieldpea and Lathyrus. The AICRP-Rabi Pulses is operational with 28 centres. The AICRP on Rabi Pulses has been divided into five zones for developing region specific technologies.
Thrust areas
- Genetic resource management and pre-breeding for enhancing genetic variability.
- Development of high yielding varieties along with stress resistance, enhanced nutritional and market traits adapted to different agro-climatic zones.
- Use of innovative approach for varietal improvement through Molecular breeding for accelerating varietal development.
- Genetic bio-fortification especially for protein, Iron, Zinc content and reduced anti-nutritional factors
- Horizontal expansion in country
- Conservation Agriculture for enhancing system productivity, conserve soil moisture and enhance water use efficiency
- Nutrient management through PGPR and BNF
- Genetic enhancement against major diseases and pests through screening under artificial conditions/hot spots
- Refinement of IPM modules
- Seed quality enhancement through multiplication of breeder seed.
- Organization of Front Line Demonstrations (FLDs) to demonstrate newly developed technologies to farmers through scientists.
- Data digitalization.
S. No. |
Crop |
Research targets |
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Chickpea |
- High yield
- Fusarium wilt (FW), Ascochyta blight (AB), Dry Root Rot (DRR) & Botrytis Gray Mold (BGM) resistance
- High temperature and drought tolerance; cold tolerance in kabuli chickpea
- Extra large seeded kabuli chickpea
- Machine harvestable varieties
- Genetic bio-fortification: Protein (>25%), Fe (>60 ppm) and Zn (>40 ppm)
- Enhanced system productivity and nutrient and water use efficiency.
- Post emergence weed management
- IPM module for management of pod borer
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Lentil |
- High yield
- Stemphylium blight, rust & wilt resistance
- Extra early maturity, heat, drought and salinity tolerance
- Genetic bio-fortification: Fe (>75 ppm) and Zn (>50 ppm)
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Fieldpea |
- High yield
- Powdery mildew and rust resistance.
- Earliness, high temperature tolerance, lodging resistant, green seeded varieties
- Post emergence weed management
- IPM module for management of stem fly.
- Reduction of anti-nutritional factors: Low RFO content
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Lathyrus |
- High yield with low level of ODAP (<0.1%), Rice fallow cultivation
AICRP on Rabi Pulses