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Profile of Dr. Ram Lal Jat

Personal Information

Name : Dr. Ram Lal Jat
Designation : Scientist
Email :,
Telephone (Office) :
Mobile No. : +91-9982154505
Date of joining ICAR : 01st January 2015
Discipline and specialization : Agronomy (Cropping systems research, conservation agriculture, water and nutrient management)
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :
  • Training on “Geo-informatics in natural resources management and climate change mitigation” at ICAR-IISS, Bhopal during 20-29th November, 2015.
  • Summer School on “Scaling Water Productivity and Resources Use Efficiency in Upland Field Crops Ensuring More Crop Per Drop” at ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur during 06-26th, September 2017.
  • Winter school on “Advance microbial technologies to improve nutrient use efficiency and mitigation of greenhouse gas emission from agriculture” at ICAR-IISS, Bhopal during 04-24th, September 2018.

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Developed technologies for improving crop productivity in pulses based cropping systems in Vertisols.
  • Recommendations for mitigation of micronutrient deficiency in soybean-chickpea system in Vertisols.
  • Conservation agricultural practices for pulse based cropping systems.

Current area of research

  • Conservation agriculture & water management in pulse based cropping systems in arid regions.


  • Jat R.L., Jha P., Dotaniya M.L., Lakaria B.L., Rashmi I., Sirale A., Meena B.P. and Meena A.L. (2018). Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization in Vertisol as Mediated by Type and Placement Method of Residue. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment. (2018) 190:439.
  • Jat R.L. and Praharaj C.S. (2018). Impact of zinc and molybdenum with manure in soybean-chickpea system in vertisols of Central India. Journal of Food Legume 31(3): 147-153.
  • Meena A.L., Jha P., Dotaniya M.L., Kumar B., Meena B.P. and Jat R.L. (2019). Carbon, Nitrogen and Phosphorus Mineralization as Influenced by Type of Organic Residues and Soil Contact Variation in Vertisol of Central India. Agric Res 9, 232–240 (2020).
  • Praharaj C.S., Jat R.L., Singh U., Singh S.S., Singh R.P., Elanchezhian and Singh N.P. (2019). Scaling productivity and farm income through soybean based inter- & sequential cropping under rainfed Central India with improved agro-technologies. Journal of Food Legumes 32(4): 242-49. 233.
  • Praharaj C.S., Jat R.L., Singh S.S. and Singh N.P. (2020). Enhancing farm income and system productivity in soybean-lentil through land configuration, tillage, seed priming and mulching under rainfed Central India. Journal of Food Legumes 33(1): 41-47.

Awards and Fellowships

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