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Profile of Dr. Mohd. Akram

Personal Information

Name : Dr. Mohd. Akram
Designation : Principal Scientist(Plant Pathology)
Email :
Telephone (Office) : +91-512-2580992
Mobile No. : +91-9336340640
Date of joining ICAR : 15th November 2008
Discipline and specialization : Plant Pathology and Plant Virology
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :
    • “Macroarray detection of plant pathogens and resistant transgenic” with Dr. K. L. Perry, Director, Seed Certification Programme for New York at Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agricultural Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA from 13th March to 28th April, 2008 (One and A Half Months).


    • “Characterization of viruses and diagnosis of plant viral diseases”, from 17.06.2002 to 12.07.2002 at Advanced Centre of Plant Virology, IARI, New Delhi (One Month).
    • “Basic and Molecular Characterization of Viruses” organized by Advanced Centre for Plant Virology, IARI, New Delhi under the project of HRD-NATP-ICAR from 1st October 2002 to 31st March 2003 (Six Months).


Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Five new subgroups/strains (designated as 16SrII-N, 16SrII-O, 16SrII-P, 16SrII-Q and 16SrII-R) of Candidatus Phytoplasma infecting chickpea were identified based on 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis. First draft of SpobNPV whole genome, a bioagent for controlling Bihar hairy caterpillar was assembled (PRJNA327781).
  • A new genus (named as Capulavirus) level virus French bean severe leaf curl virus (FbSLCV) of Geminiviridae family has been characterized and was found to be associated with rajmash, lentil, urdbean and pigeonpea. Association of Tomato leaf curls Gujarat virus (ToLCGV) and French bean leaf curl virus (JQ866297) with leaf curl disease of rajmash, a bipartite Dolichos yellow mosaic virus-(DoYMV-[IN:Knp:14]) isolate infecting dolichos and a begomovirus (ToLCNDV-lentil) infecting lentil have been characterized based on their full length genome sequence analysis for the first time. Phylogenetic relationship obtained using NP and NSm genes sequences (78 isolates of different fabaceous and solanaceous crops) indicate that the genetic diversity exist in the GBNV populations distributed throughout the country irrespective of the hosts. Clustering of the GBNV isolates does not appear to be based on their place of origin and host plant species.
  • PCR detection protocols of 11 viruses (MYMIV, MYMV, HgYMV, DoYMV, FbLCV, FbSLCV, ToLCGV, ToLCNDV-lentil, CpCSV, CpCDV and GBNV) were developed. Three kits namely “LYMVs PCR Diagnostic Kit”, “LYMVs Direct PCR Kit” and “LYMVsMplex” were developed for the detection of four viruses (MYMV, MYMIV, HgYMV and DoYMV) causing yellow mosaic disease in pulse crops. Sequences (>240) of viral, bacterial and fungal origin were generated and submitted at NCBI database.

Current area of research

  • Development of PCR based diagnostics for major viruses and fungi infecting pulse crops.
  • Genomics of viral, bacterial and fungal bioagents.
  • Diversity of YMD causing viruses in minor pulses.
  • Identification of stable sources of resistance in mungbean and urdbean against major pathogens
  • Transcriptome dynamics in host (mungbean)-viruses (MYMIV/MYMV/HgYMV) interaction


  • Pauline Bernardoa, Michael Golden, Mohammad Akram, Naimuddin, Nagaswamy Nadarajan, Emmanuel Fernandez, Martine Granier, Anthony G. Rebelof, Michel Peterschmitt, Darren P. Martin, Philippe Roumagnac(2013). Identification and characterisation of a highly divergent geminivirus: Evolutionary and taxonomic implications. Virus Research, 177:35–45. /dx. Doi .org/ 10.1016/ j.virusres. 2013. 07.006.
  • Mohammad Akram and Naimuddin (2013). Coat protein gene sequence based characterization of Groundnut bud necrosis virus infection in Rajmash. Legume Research 36(2):138-141.
  • Mohammad Akram, Jain R.K., Chaudhary V., Ahlawat Y.S. and Paul Khurana S.M.(2004). Comparison of Groundnut bud necrosis virus isolates based on movement protein (NSm) gene sequences. Annals of Applied Biology 145:285-289.
  • Mohammad Akram and Naimuddin (2012). Biological characterization and variability of the nucleocapsid protein gene of Groundnut bud necrosis virus isolates infecting pea from India.Phytopathologia Mediterrranea 51 (2):266-275.
  • Mohammad Akram, Naimuddin K and Jain R.K. (2012). Sequence diversity in the NSm gene of Groundnut bud necrosis virus isolates originating from different hosts and locations in India. Journal of Phytopathology 160:424–427 (doi: 10.1111/j.1439-0434.2012.01907.x).

Awards and Fellowships

  • Best Scientist Award-2015, by ICAR-IIPR, Kanpur.
  • Best Poster Award by Indian Phytopathological Society and CSIR-CIMAP and CSIR-NBRI, Lucknow – 2013.
  • DST-International Travel Fellowship for attending the 10th International Plant Pathology Congress at Beijing, China. by DST, New Delhi 2013.
  • Indo-US Norman E. Borlaug International Agricultural Science & Technology Fellowship-2007 for training in the Department of Plant Pathology, College of Agricultural Sciences, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA USDA, USA-ICAR, India 2008.
  • Lal Bahadur Shastri Young Scientist Award Biennium 2005-2006 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi, 2007
  • Special interaction on “Interface between Nobel Laureates, World food prize winners, Nation builders, eminent scientists and Young scientist” in the 93rd Indian Science Congress held at Hyderabad (3-7 January 2006) Invited by Indian Science Congress Association, Kolkata 2006
  • Science Award 2004-2005 (Young Scientist Award Category) by Council of Science & Technology, Govt. of Uttar Pradesh 2005
  • Young Scientist Award 2003-2004 in the field of Plant Protection by National Academy of Agricultural Sciences, New Delhi 2005
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