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Profile of Dr. M. Senthilkumar

Personal Information

Name : Dr. M. Senthilkumar
Designation : Principal Scientist (Microbiology)
Email :,
Telephone (Office) : +91-512-2580994 Extn:3101
Mobile No. : +91-8576063475
Date of joining ICAR : 03rd January, 2011
Discipline and specialization : Discipline: Plant Microbiology, Specialization: Symbiotic Nitrogen Fixation, Plant-Microbe Interactions.
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :
  • Bioinformatics in Multi-omics Era: A microbial genomics perspective. ICAR-NBAIM, Mau Nath Bhanjan. Period: 23rd February to 03rd March, 2012.
  • Multi-omics approaches to alleviate abiotic stress in post genomic era: Methods and application in microbiological research. ICAR-NIAM, Baramati, Pune. Period: 24th January to 06th February, 2014.
  • Genomics and proteomics- Techniques and tools for crop improvement. ICAR sponsored Center of Advanced faculty Training (CAFT), ICAR-IARI, New Delhi. Period: 12th November to 20th December, 2014.

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Developed microbial consortium for mitigating moisture deficit stress in pulses.
  • Identified and characterized nodule specific cysteine rich peptide coding genes in chickpea and related wild species.
  • Identified contrasting germplasm lines of major pulses for nodulation traits.

Current area of research

  • Unravelling the molecular basis for variations in nodulation and symbiotic efficiency of chickpea.
  • Nodule-specific Cysteine Rich (NCR) peptides in chickpea.


  • Das A., Harika A., Shilpa S., Senthilkumar M.* and Singh N.P. (2020). Symbiotic nitrogen fixation and endophytic bacterial community structure in Bt-transgenic chickpea (Cicer arietinum L). Scientific Reports 10: 5453.
  • Borase D.N., Nath C.P., Hazra K.K., Senthilkumar M.* Singh S.S., Praharaj C.S., Singh U., Kumar N. (2020).Long-term impact of diversified crop rotations and nutrient management practices on soil microbial functions and soil enzymes activity. Ecological Indicators 114: 106322.
  • Mohan S., Senthilkumar M.* and Chaturvedi S.K. (2019). Genotypic variability for phosphorous acquisition efficiency of chickpea in P-deficient inceptisol. Journal of Food Legumes 32: 250-255.
  • Young K.L.,Senthilkumar M.*, Jeong I, Annapurna K, Swarnalakshmi K (2011). Gamma radiation induced modifications in substrate specificity of glucose dehydrogenase and carbon source utilization pattern of Pantoea strains. Biotechnology Letters 33: 2391-2396.
  • Senthilkumar M.*, Swarnalakshmi K., Govindasamy V., Young-Keun Lee, Annapurna K. (2009). Biocontrol potentials of soybean bacterial endophytes against charcoal rot fungus–Rhizoctonia bataticola. Current Microbiology, 58: 288-293.

* = Corresponding Author

Awards and Fellowships

  • Best Scientist Award-2020, by Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR) at Foundation day celebrations.
  • FellowIndian Society of Pulses Research (ISPRD).
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