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Profile of Dr. (Mrs) Gitanjali Sahay

Personal Information

Name : Dr. (Mrs) Gitanjali Sahay
Designation : Principal Scientist
Email :,
Telephone (Office) : +91-9415945696
Mobile No. : +91-7355109941
Date of joining ICAR :
Discipline and specialization : Genetic, Cytogenetics & Plant breeding/Legume Breeding & genetic resources.
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :

Professional Information

Current area of research

  • Legume Breeding & genetic resources. (Grasspea and Kabuli Chickpea)


  • Sahay G , Malaviya D R. 2007. Biochemical Characterization of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata L. Walp) germplasm.Range Management and Agroforestry 28 (2B) pp 278.
  • Sahay G, Hasan N, Singh, U P and Chandra A. 2007 Identification and Characterization of two nematode resistant and one erect line of fodder cowpea.Range Management and Agroforestry28 (2B) pp 302.
  • Sahay G Chandra A, Bhaskar R B and Shukla G P. 2008. Genetic relationship among elite lines of cowpea based on isozyme and RAPD markers Forage Research33 (4) pp 193-198.
  • Gupta S, Kozak M, Sahay G, Durai A, Mitra J, Verma M R, Pattanayak A, Thongbam P D and Das A. 2009 Identification of promising genotypes for cultivation and hybridization in rice bean [Vigna umbellata Thunb. (Ohwi and Ohashi)] in mid altitude of Meghalaya.Journal of Agricultural Sciences pp: 581-588.
  • Sahay Gand Malaviya D R, Singh U P and Shukla G P. 2009.Variability and Cluster Characteristics of Morphological, Fodder and Seed Yield attributes of Cowpea Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp germplasm for Identification of Donor Sources,Indian Journal of Plant Genetic Resources, pp 195-198
  • Roy S, Sahay G, Singh UP and Soni Richa, 2011. Evaluation of genetic divergence in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) for major insect pests Indian Journal of Agricultural Sciences 81 (1): 82-5
  • Shah NK, Sahay G and Tyagi PK, 2011. Field selection for resistance in Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata (L) Walp) to major insect pests. Range Management and Agroforestry 32 (2): 138-140
  • Sahay G, Malaviya DR, Singh UP. 2013. Morphological traits association with fodder and seed yield in Vigna unguiculata (L.), Journal of Environmental Biology Vol 34, 139-145.
  • Sultan Singh, Geetanjali Sahay, A K Misra, K K Singh, M M Das, S B Maity and S K Mahanta (2018) Nutritive value of cowpea fodder cultivars and their effect on nutrients intake, digestibility and nitrogen balance in sheep Indian Journal of Animal Sciences 88 (5): 54–60.
  • Nilamani Dikshit1, Tejveer Singh1 , Natarajan Sivaraj2 , Seva Nayak Dheeravathu1 and Gitanjali Sahay1 (2020) Ecological niche modelling for mapping deenanath grass (Pennisetum pedicellatum) distribution in India, Range Mgmt. & Agroforestry 41 (2) : 209-217, 2020 ISSN 0971-2070

Awards and Fellowships

  • Birbal Sahani Gold Medal for Ist position (MSc Botany) 1992 Allahabad University.
  • Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D) 2009 Bundelkhand University, Jhansi.
  • Sardar Patel Outstanding ICAR Institution AWARD 2015 to (For Large Institute Category) (As PS at ICAR-IGFRI Jhansi) by ICAR, New Delhi.
  • Best division Award 2018 (As PS) conferred on 57th Foundation day of IGFRI, Jhansi, 1st November, 2018 by IGFRI, Jhansi.
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