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Profile of Dr. Mohammad Hashim

Personal Information

Name : Dr. Mohammad Hashim
Designation : Senior Scientist
Email :;
Telephone (Office) : +91-0512 2580994/5, Ext. 3006
Mobile No. : +91-7368850629, 9431649172
Date of joining ICAR : 1st July, 2013
Discipline and specialization : Agronomy, Cropping System, Nutrient Management, Organic and Natural Farming
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :

1. Participated in 21 days training programme on “Efficiency Centric Agro-management for Food and Nutritional Security” From September 28 to October 18, 2016 under CAFT Agronomy at Centre of Advanced Faculty Training in Agronomy College of Agriculture, G.B.P.U.A. & T., Pantnagar.
2. Participated in 21 days winter school training programme on “Recent Advancement in Bio-fertilizer & Vermicomposting Technology for Sustaining Agricultural Development” From 12th December, 2016 to 1st January, 2017 at Department of Soil Science Dr. RPCAU, Pusa, Samastipur (Bihar).
3. Three months attachment training Programme (from 19 November, 2013 to 18 February, 2014) on “Enhancing soil resilience under mustard based system through integrated crop management practices” at Directorate of Rapeseed and Mustard Research, Bharatpur Rajasthan.

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Developed agro-techniques for pulses cultivation under rice-fallow in North-Eastern Plains
  • Initiated nano-fertilizer trial on rajmash
  • Developed the sulphur management strategies (source/dose) in rice-pulse system.
  • Standardized the Zn-NCPC and P-NCPC fertilizer in maize and chickpea for higher yield and Zinc & P use efficiency.
  • Developed foliar spray modules of iron and zinc in rice-wheat cropping system.
  • Residue management practices and crop establishment methods standardized in maize-wheat cropping system in calcarious soil.

Current area of research

  • Nutrient management in pulse based cropping systems, Organic and Natural Farming.


1. Hashim M., Shiva Dhar, Vyas A. K., Pramesh, P. and Kumar Bipin (2015). Integrated nutrient management of maize-wheat cropping system. Indian Journal of Agronomy 60(3): 132-139.
2. Hashim M., Shiva Dhar, Vyas A. K. and Singh C.B. (2017). Yield trends and changes in physicochemical properties of soil in maize-wheat cropping system under integrated nutrient management. Journal of Environmental Biology 38 (4/5): 727-738.
3. Hashim M. and Shiva Dhar (2016). Effect of crop residue mixed farm yard manure and fertilizer on growth, yield and economics of maize. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 45 (5): 1181-1186.
4. Chaudhary S. K., Hashim M., Saquib M. and Singh C.B. (2017). Yield, NPK content and nutrient uptake of wheat as influenced by the application of acidulated rock phosphate. Bangladesh Journal of Botany 46(1): 187-194.
5. Rathore, S.S., Babu, S., Singh, V.K., Shekhawat, K., Singh, R.K., Upadhyay, P. K., Hashim, M., Sharma, K. C., Jangir, R. and Singh, R. (2022). Sulfur Sources Mediated the Growth, Productivity, and Nutrient Acquisition Ability of Pearlmillet–Mustard Cropping Systems. Sustainability, 14, 14857.
6. Hashim, M., Singh V.K., Singh. K.K., Dhar, S. and Pandey U.C. (2022). Herbicidal weed-management options for dry direct-seeded rice (Oryza sativa) in North-Eastern Plains of India. Indian Journal of Agronomy. 67 (4): 337-342.
7. Singh C.B., Hashim M., Rishi Raj, Pandey A., Pandey U.C., Singh R. and Kumar A. (2017). Effect of different planting techniques and weed control measures on growth, yield and weed control of rice in NEPZ of India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 12(2): 317-322.
8. Singh C.B., Hashim M., Ashish Kumar, Rishi Raj and Pandey U.C. (2016). Performance of improved wheat (Triticum aestivum) varieties under planting techniques in North Eastern Plain Zone of India. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 11(2): 145-149.
9. Prajapat K., Vyas A.K., Shiva Dhar, Jain N.K., Hashim M. and Choudhary G.L. (2018). Energy input-output relationship of soybean-based cropping systems under different nutrient supply options. Journal of Environmental Biology 39(1): 93-101.
10. Mauriya A.K., Kumar, V., Hashim M. and Singh, C.B. (2019). Comparative response of sulphur and phosphorus fertilizer on productivity and profitability of mustard in limited irrigation conditions of Bihar Eastern Plain Zone. Journal of Community Mobilization and Sustainable Development 14(1): 86-92.


  • Young Scientist Award by Society for Scientific Development in Agriculture and Technology, in 2015.
  • Scientist of the Year Award- 2015 by Society for Upliftment of Rural Economy in 2016.
  • 1st prize in dictation (Shrutlekh) on the occasion of Hindi Chetna mas, 2014.
  • 2nd prize in Shabd gyan in Hindi competition on the occasion of Hindi Chetna mas, 2014 at IARI RS Pusa Bihar.
  • 1st prize in dictation (Shrutlekh) on the occasion of Hindi Chetna Maas, 2016 at IARI RS Pusa Bihar.
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