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Profile of Dr. Revanasidda

Personal Information

Name : Dr. Revanasidda
Designation : Scientist
Email :;
Telephone (Office) : +91 512 2580994-95, Ext. 4008
Mobile No. : +91-98804 83949; +91-83100 67809
Date of joining ICAR : 5th July 2017
Discipline and specialization : Storage Pest Management, Host Plant Resistance and Insect Pollination Ecology
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :

21 days ICAR sponsored Winter School Training during 2018.

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Identified crop window for bruchid field infestation and impact of field-carry-over bruchid inoculum under storage.
  • Identification of bruchid resistance/tolerant genotypes through screening experiments.
  • Toxicity of phosphine to bruchids.
  • Assessing effective packaging materials for safe storage of pulses.

Current area of research

  • Management of bruchids infesting pulses under field and storage.


  • Revanasidda and Belavadi V.V. (2019) Floral biology and pollination in Cucumis melo L., a tropical Andromonoecious Cucurbit. Journal of Asia-Pacific Entomology. 22: 215-225. (NAAS 6.88).
  • Revanasidda, Veeresh Kumar, Vasuki V. Belavadi, K.B. Tharini and Y.B. Srinivasa (2019). Stamen elongation in Sunn Hemp appears to allow delayed self-pollination in the absence of pollinators – a case of bet-hedging?. South African Journal of Botany (In press: Accepted). (NAAS 7.44).
  • Revanasidda, Ranjitha M.R., Koteswara Rao S.R., Rajesh A. and Reddi Shekhar M. (2019). Insect pollinator fauna of coriander (Coriandrum sativum L.) ecosystem. Journal of Entomology and Zoology Studies. 7(3): 1609-1616. (NAAS 5.83).
  • Revanasidda, Veeresh Kumar, S.C. Topagi, B.S. Rajendra Prasad, K.B. Tharini and C.T. Ashok Kumar (2014), Biology and management of mealybug, Paracoccus marginatus Williams and Granara de Willink on Jatropha curcas L. Journal of Applied and Natural Science, 6(2):770-778 (NAAS 5.08).

Awards and Fellowships

  • Awarded with Prestigious DBT-CTEP and Centre for International Cooperation in Science (CICS) Fellowship to attend and present Oral Paper at International Congress on Entomology held during 2016 at Orlando, Florida, USA.
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