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Profile of Dr. Raghavendra Singh

Personal Information

Name : Dr. Raghavendra Singh
Designation : Principal Scientist (Agronomy)
Email :,
Telephone (Office) : +91-0512 2580994-95
Mobile No. : +91-7905160105
Date of joining ICAR : 17th October 2012/17th July 2001
Discipline and specialization : Agronomy, Conservation Agriculture, Cropping System Research, Integrated Farming System and Organic Farming Technology assessment and refinement
Training/advance exposure in the area of work :
  • Integrated Farming System Options for Vindhyan Region of Eastern Uttar Pradesh during December 2nd to 22nd, 2008 (21 days) at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005 (UP).
  • Water and Nutrient Management for crops under rainfed ecosystem of eastern part of Uttar Pradesh during January 10th to 30th, 2010 (21 days) at Institute of Agricultural Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi – 221 005 (UP).

Professional Information

Contribution to the scientific advancement

  • Sustainable intensification of rice and maize-based cropping system.
  • Developed organic package of practices of major cereals, oilseeds and pulses.
  • Developed Integrated Organic Farming System for small and marginal farmers.
  • Conservation Agriculture, crop residue management in rice and maize fallow.

Current area of research

  • Sustainable intensification of rice-fallows through induction of pulses.
  • Organic farming practices for pulses based cropping systems.


  • Singh Raghavendra, Babu S., Avasthe R.K., Yadav G.S., Das A., Mohapatra K.P., Kumar A., Singh V.K., Chandra P.(2021). Crop productivity, soil health, and energy dynamics of Indian Himalayan intensified organic maize-based systems. International Soil and Water Conservation Research.
  • Babu S.,Singh Raghavendra, Avasthe R.K., Yadav G.S., Das A., Singh V.K, Mohapatra K.P., Rathore S.S., Chandra P., Kumar A.(2020). Impact of land configuration and organic nutrient management on productivity, quality and soil properties under baby corn in Eastern Himalayas. Scientific Reports 10:16129.
  • Babu S.,Singh Raghavendra, Avasthe R.K., Yadav G.S., Mohapatra K.P., Selvane Thiru, Das A., Singh V.K., Valenteg D., Petrosillo I.(2020). Soil carbon dynamics in Indian Himalayan intensified organic rice-based cropping sequences. Ecological Indicators Volume 114, July 2020, 106292
  • Babu Subhash, Mohapatra K.P., Yadav G. S., Lal Rattan, Singh Raghavendra, Avasthe R.K., Das Anup, Chandra Puran, Gudade B.A., Kumar Amit.(2020). Soil carbon dynamics in diverse organic land use systems in North Eastern Himalayan ecosystem of India. Catena 194 (2020) 104785
  • Babu S., Mohapatra K.P., Das Anup, Yadav Gulab Singh, Tahasildar M., Singh Raghavendra, Panwar A.S., Yadav Vivek, Chandra P.(2020). Designing energy-efficient, economically sustainable and environmentally safe cropping system for the rainfed maize–fallow land of the Eastern Himalayas. Science of the Total Environment.Volume 722, 20 June 2020 137874

Awards and Fellowships

  • Best Extensionist Award 2015 by The Indian Association of Hill Farming, ICAR RC for NEH Region, Umiam on 19th September, 2017.
  • Best Scientist (Regional Centres) for the year 2017, on 43rd Foundation Day Celebration held on January 09, 2018 at ICAR Research Complex for NEH Region, Umroi Road, Umiam..
  • Best NICRA-KVK Award-2019 to KVK-East Sikkim, in recognition of best efforts in implementation of NICRA-Technology Demonstration Component of ICAR by on June 4, 2019 at ICAR-CRIDA, Hyderabad.
  • Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyay Krishi Vigyan Rashtriya Protshahan Puraskar-2018, Zonal Awards to KVK-East Sikkim for ICAR-ATARI-VI on July 16, 2019 by Indian Council of Agricultural Research, New Delhi..
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