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The urdbean production of India was 2.78 million tonnes from acreage of 4.63 million hectares with a productivity of 600 Kg/ha. (Agricultural Statistics Division, DES, MoAF&W, 2022). India is the largest producer and consumer of urdbean. Urdbean production contributes to 11 percent of India’s total pulses production (25.46 million tonnes in 2020-21) (Agricultural Statistics Division, DES, MoAF&W, 2022). During 2021-22, the total quantity of import of urdbean was 6.12 lakh tonnes, whereas, export of urdbean was 55.18 thousand tonnes (Department of Commerce; HS Code 07133110). During 2020-21, India exported 15.28 thousand tonnes of urdbean to other countries, worth Rs. 147 crore. Although the national average productivity is lower for this warm season crop compared to other cool season pulses, however, diverse growth ecologies make it a popular pulse crop. In the case of area, the share of Madhya Pradesh is highest (24 %), followed by Uttar Pradesh (10 %) and Maharashtra (7%) during 2020-21. Among the major producing states, productivity was highest in Andhra Pradesh (915 kg/ha), followed by Jharkhand (879 kg/ha) during 2020-21.

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